
The 7 Gifts will provide you with:

1. Hope.
2. Strength in the marriage.
3. Manifested harmony in the home.
4. Excellent communication with our children and youth.
5. Success in the business world.
6. Peace when working with those who do not know Jesus.
7. Development of a more godly character.


Seven needs are met when we understand the seven gifts found in scripture.

Seven needs in a marriage are met when each spouse understands the seven gifts.

Most of the conflicts, which we have with other Christians, are simply the result of our misunderstanding their gift or of their misuse of that gift.

The development of these seven gifts will stop strife in its tracks and meet the seven needs.

These seven gifts relate to seven sense receptors in the human body.  

Click here. *This audio teaching describes the seven gifts meeting needs.

Click here. *Discover, understand, and use your gift. ( Session #1)

Click here.  More training available.

Thank you,
Surefooted Ministries

The following video reveals our real Hope! 


Click here for more!

*Special acknowledgment to all the ministries and people who have helped me learn about the seven needs, seven gifts and the sense receptors. Specifically, Dr. Roy Blizzard and the Institute in Basic Life Principles.