
Importance of character by Pastor Vince Marino Short Audios

The Importance of character

Let me make something perfectly clear about the importance of character.

No matter how much faith a person has,
No matter how intelligent a person is,
No matter how athletic or talented a person is,
No matter how good looking a person is,
No matter how large a person’s ministry is,
No matter how powerful a minister is in the things of God,
No matter how well a person teaches,
No matter how successful some one's business is,
No matter how much money a person makes,
No matter how beautiful a person's home is,

If the character of Jesus within them is not developed, to some point of maturity, there will be a degree of collapse or (breakdown) in some areas mentioned above. In other words, the bottom will fall out in areas of their life.

Realize that the character of Jesus Christ is the Glue that holds us together.

Note that character development in a marriage is highly important. If this does not take place there will be a breakdown in the marriage.

Listen to the loaded character qualities in Romans 12:9-21. This clip is from Resurrection Power balancing factor 5/Energy/Root/Surface (Part 4)

Click here. Full Audio teaching part 4.

Listen to this audio teaching that reveals one character deficiency that can shut down the excellent character qualities of Jesus. 

Click  Here.  Location of this audio teaching.

Watch the video below about maturity. 

Several resources.

Click here. Watch a video every husband should watch.

Click here. Learn how to find the path back to maturity. 

Click here. Preventing Casualties_Maturity level (Audio/dramatized/Video)

Click here. A Story of Character! An opportunity to develop the excellent character qualities of Jesus.

Click here. More about this video. Sweet Character! People of Hope! Consistency!

The reason why I use these character qualities is because no ministry or anyone that I know is doing it with intensity. I might not agree with all ministries, however, personally, I will receive the spiritual wheat, and remove the weeds, sticks, and bones. No ministry is perfect, but we must work together advancing God's kingdom the best we know how. Without the true excellent character qualities of Jesus, we as God’s children will not be believable! 

 Click here. See what I mean!

Keep in mind the following.

Realize the people in God’s word and even today who have fallen, and how God used them. Such as, Adam and Eve-God’s children, king David, king Solomon, Peter, and there are more. Therefore, learn from those who have fallen and remember this portion in God’s word. 

Galatians 6:1 (AMP)
1  BRETHREN, IF any person is overtaken in misconduct or sin of any sort, you who are spiritual [who are responsive to and controlled by the Spirit] should set him right and restore and reinstate him, without any sense of superiority and with all gentleness, keeping an attentive eye on yourself, lest you should be tempted also.