The First Steps Toward Personal Growth

Surefooted Ministries is a one-on-one customized discipleship program designed to nurture new believers and support those who have long been in the faith. Our program is almost entirely online, making it accessible to everyone, everywhere.
Mission Statement:
Surefooted Ministries empowers believers to develop their full potential in Christ through proven tools and personalized guidance.
1. Develop Practicing Disciples of Jesus Christ.
2. Enable believers to live out their faith, experiencing the fullness of the blessings of the gospel of Christ.
(Scriptural Foundation: Romans 10:16, Romans 15:29)
3. Restore Believers in Christ Jesus with Long-lasting Results.
4. Focus on deep and enduring transformation in Christ, not just short-term changes.
5. Cultivate Maturity in Christ.
6. Aim for believers to grow in wisdom and maturity in their faith journey.
Scriptural Foundation: Colossians 1:28-29 (ESV)
28 Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ.
29 For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me.
By following these objectives, Surefooted Ministries seeks to build a strong, vibrant community of believers who are well-equipped to share the gospel and live out their faith in every aspect of their lives.
Click here. About Pastor Vince Marino
Click here. Example of one relevant teaching to cause personal spiritual growth. "Draw Near/Overcome vs. Overtaken/Potential/Faith level (Dramatized Audio)"
Click here. Learn more from “Lasting Results” Part 1 and 2 Plus the whole series
Click here. "Three Miners by Joe and Cheryl Palechek" This is a testimony of what our heavenly Father did through Surefooted Ministries for us!
Click here. Preventing Casualties! Maturity level (Audio/dramatized/Video)
Click here. Watch the videos to understand our mission.
Click here. More about building your life.
Click here. More about this video. Plant good seeds (God’s word) and keep the weeds out!
Click here. More about this video. Seven practical areas for preparation!
Thank you,
Pastor Vince Marino
Surefooted Ministries
Royal Prayer Guards