Four stages of the monarch butterfly! Insights for spiritual growth!
Note: Pause as you go if needed to allow the information to penetrate your life. Watch the video more than once. Thank you.
Four stages of the monarch butterfly with life changing spiritual analogies!
These are my spiritual personal insights from the teaching, “The Monarch Butterfly.”
Pastor Vince Marino
Each stage of the Monarch Butterfly has spiritual value for every believer. Each stage must be developed to ensure proper spiritual growth for every area of life.
Everyone has work to do in some area of their life.
Keep in mind as you watch this video, no one person has arrived at maturity in all aspect of life except our Lord, Savior, and Master Jesus Christ.
Click here. Please go to the link for much more. Monarch Butterfly Part 1 and 2. If anyone desires to change, here is how! Certain resources were used in the teachings. Used with permission.