Demonstration of the Holy Spirit’s power!

This information is most of the notes taken from one person in one Bible study group. I asked the person to write down all the Scripture references as I taught. I did not use any notes.
The material I presented involved a strong demonstration of the Holy Spirit’s power in my life. It illustrated the importance of memorization, meditation, applying, and sharing God’s word, for long lasting results. I have been doing this daily since 1977 by God’s power.
When I first started memorizing God’s word I did not know at the time until now what the Holy Spirit was doing. He gave me the skill of connecting the dots with any object, subjects and questions people would provide using Scriptural references. Furthermore, I would use various character qualities of Jesus. I call this type of teaching, “Something different” Click here. Audio teaching that was taught years ago.
May all who read and listen to the teaching be inspired to memorize, meditate, apply, and share God’s word anywhere at any time for long lasting results. All to the glory of God!
Click here. The notes PDF file.
Click here. Five R’s Session 2 Part 4 Build your memory verse arsenal.
Click here. Lasting Results (Parts 1 and 2) Session #1
Click here. More about this video.
Thank you,
Pastor Vince Marino