Finish what we start Prayer focus
The Finisher!
Suggestion: To maintain your focus read the entire page first then proceed to the links. Thank you.
Hello everyone and thank you for your determination to effectively pray for those in need.
This prayer focus is directed to the body of Christ, witnessing body of Christ or the family of God.
Realize that if we do not pray for each other we will not have what it takes to help those in need. Also, we are all members of one another. Click here for more.
Our main theme: Believe our heavenly Father, to help each member of the body of Christ finish what they start. This would be a good example and hope for others especially in the workplace.
If a person starts something without finishing, people will mock, laugh, make fun of and ridicule. Click here for more.
I believe it is very important to our heavenly Father that He can trust His children to finish what they start. Click here for more.
Form prayers from the following:
(1) Look to Jesus and be a finish person!! (Jesus finishes whatever He starts, therefore, look to Jesus as our example.)
(2) Believe God to manifest the finishing abilities of Jesus in each member of the body of Christ.
(3) Be thorough in all our work by knowing beforehand what the factors are that could distract us from our tasks.
Click on the photo for valuable information from Jeff Maynard.
This video displays the finishing work of Jesus Christ!
Thank you,
Pastor Vince Marino
Surefooted Ministries
Royal Prayer Guards