The release of Saeed Abedini imprisoned in Iran
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Answer to prayer Saeed Abedini now free! Praise God!!!
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To all Royal Prayer Guards,
An international call to prayer has gone out from Dr. George O. Wood, general superintendent of the Assemblies of God, for the release of Saeed Abedini, who is imprisoned in Iran for his faith in Christ.
(See video)
In June 2012, Saeed and his wife, Naghmeh, spent time with Dr. Wood and related Saeed's plans to return to Iran to visit family and continue his humanitarian work in developing a non-sectarian orphanage. He was nearing the end of that visit when he was detained by Iran authorities and imprisoned.
During these months of incarceration, Dr. Wood has been in constant contact with Naghmeh, who has provided updates on Saeed's status.
"This is a deeply devout couple who are committed to Jesus," said Dr. Wood, "and are the parents of two young children."
Dr. Wood called upon Christians around the world to pray for Saeed while he is in prison, for Naghmeh and their children. He also asked prayer that governmental authorities in Iran would release Saeed, who is an American citizen.
"The imprisonment in Iran of an American Christian pastor is just as unacceptable as it would be to imprison in America an Imam because of the Imam' s faith," said Dr. Wood. "This is a precious young couple who should not have to face years of separation because of Saeed's faith nor should Naghmeh face the possibility of her husband being executed for his faith and leaving their two young children fatherless."
Dr. Wood is calling for millions of Christians throughout the world to pray mightily for the Abedini family and for all those facing persecution because of their faith in Christ.
He also encourages the Christian community to support the efforts of the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) to bring worldwide focus on the plight of Saeed Abedini. More
General Superintendent’s Office
The General Council of the Assemblies of God
Thank you,
Pastor Vince Marino
Surefooted Ministries
Royal Prayer Guards