God is looking for results!
Hello, Royal Prayer Guards and all those who join us!!
Thank you for taking responsibility to do what Jesus did. He prayed and guarded, and we are sent out like our Royal King. Jesus is the number One Royal Prayer Guard! (In simple form, 1 Peter 2:9, John 17:20, 12, and 18)
Click here. More about Royal Prayer Guard. Very scriptural!
This prayer focus is directed to those in Christ Jesus.
The reason why is to cause believers, to be in excellent working order, grow to full maturity and build themselves up in love, so that, God’s kingdom can advance, and He is glorified. I believe God is looking for results!
Click here. (Read Ephesians 4:16, John 15:1-8, Luke 13:1-9)
Main verse:
Proverbs 12:11 (Notice the end result-bread)
"He who tills his land shall be satisfied with bread, but he who follows worthless pursuits is lacking in sense and is without understanding." AMP
Tilling our life and character development to produce lasting results!
Three main principles in "tilling":
(1) Plowing steadily in our life. (Give some attention to our life 2 John 1:8)
(2) Scattering seed (God’s Word with the character)
(3) Proper cultivation (Cultivation means: Improve, prepare, promote growth, form, refine as by education, feed, train, care for, and enrich.)
All three principles require consistency, time, and a decision for godly results.
Click here. The full impact of this prayer focus. (Part 17)
God’s Word-Truth and character development go together!
We need God’s Word-Truth and we need a developed character to apply His Word rightly for the best results.
We can speak God’s truth but do it harshly. We can give but not with a cheerful heart. We can obey to do a chore but complain about it in the process. We can go through the motions but with incorrect results.
Click here. Insights for godly results and valuable resources.
Click here. Go Forward! Prepare and Train! Be Willing and Obedient!
Prayer suggestions for best results:
1. Be decisive
2. Make time
3. Be dependable
4. Plow steadily
5. Scatter seed
6. Properly cultivate
7. Develop character
8. Be with understanding
Click here. Learn more about growing in Christ.
Thank you,
Pastor Vince Marino
Surefooted Ministries
Royal Prayer Guards