
Rise! Who is interested in real change? Working Smoothly (Video)

It takes a certain type of person to listen to this teaching.  It’s not flashy or fast-moving teaching. However, it is life-changing.

If you are not working smoothly with other believers, this teaching is for you. Someway somehow people will get hold of this teaching maybe it’s you!

I cannot compete with Hollywood with special effects and so on. However, when all is said and done it will be teachings like this and from others that will take us through the storms of life.
For a variety of reasons, the devil attempted to take this teaching from me and from the body of Christ (Believers). I was going to put it away and forget about it. However, I was prompted to go the other direction. 

So, I dressed it up a little with music and so on to engage with those who would listen. Therefore in retaliation again the kingdom of darkness this teaching, "Rise!" is here. May all those who hear this teaching be encouraged. Do not let the enemy take this from you!