Why S.F.M.
Why Surefooted Ministries?
The Lord is alert and active! He...
Then and now! (My testimony) video
About Pastor Vince Marino
Ministry goals of pastor Vince Marino
Spiritual Grocery Store Surefooted...
Digitally Community Experience...
Listen to some advice and gain...
Freewill offerings to the Lord...
Compelling audio teachings in video...
Fathers and Leaders_Audio clip...
Grocery shopping! What can those...
Draw Near Overcome vs. Overtaken/Potential/Faith...
The Pattern
The Pattern in Simple Form
The 4 smooth stones! Discover one...
How to build your life car analogy
"The Pattern" Short Segment #1...
"The Pattern" Short Segment #2...
"The Pattern" Short Segment #3...
“The Pattern” Short Segment #4...
4 smooth stones! Excellent track...
What can believers in Christ do...
The Pattern Series Parts 1, 2,...
The Pattern Series Parts 4, 5 ,6...
The Pattern Series Parts 7, 8,...
The Pattern Series Parts 10, 11...
HFB Effective Study System
Determination! Time is under attack!...
Committed to Prayer and Study Parts...
Tempted_What did Jesus do when...
Temptations_Law of Gravity_Principle...
Prophetic message! What is Jesus...
Reminders to help us so we do not...
Encouraging, uplifting, warnings...
Four stages of the monarch butterfly...
5 vital targets for those in Christ!
Supernatural Change! Do you desire it?
Demonstration of the Holy Spirit’s...
The caves of God’s word! What will...
About Us
An invitation to join the Royal...
Keeping the Vision fresh
The life style of a Royal Prayer Guard!
The Origin of Royal Prayer Guards
I will pray for anyone who has...
Royal Prayer Guards Are:
Pray and seek the lost! (Video)
Moving forward in prayer, authority...
Rise! Who is interested in real...
Armor of God will be needed! ...
Royal Prayer Guard Terminology
RPG Prayer Focus
(WPF #100) Delight in Mercy for...
(WPF #99) Working with the public...
(WPF #98) Fading from The Darkness...
(WPF #97) Move forward, firm-footed,...
(WPF #96) The Little Boats! Calmness...
(WPF #95) The Right-Thinking Focus
(WPF #94) Follow in His footsteps!
(WPF #93) Guard our promised everlasting...
(WPF #92) 5 targets for those in...
(WPF #91) Use the shield of faith!...
(WPF #90) Mind stabilization for...
(WPF #89) Pray for the lost and...
(WPF #88) Overcome the webs of...
Royal Prayer Guards parts 1, 2,...
Royal Prayer Guards are very Biblical!
Connection, prayer for the lost,...
318-Armed trained servants! Are...
Mind stabilization for children!
Delegated Authority! If believers...
Delegated authority! (5 short audio...
Who are the Royal Prayer Guards? (Video)
Protection_Wall of protection for...
RPG Gallery
Fruit 1 Series Discerning who is...
Fruit 2 Series Our fruit should...
Fruit 3 Series Our Gift is here/...
Fruit 4 Series Hinting/Andy Griffith...
Fruit 5 Series Treasures on earth vs.
Fruit 6 Series Sweet Fruit vs....
Fruit 7 Series Surfing Analogies...
Fruit 8 Series Surfboard/Wax/Understanding/...
Fruit 9 Series Riding the crest...
Take action and do what Jesus did!...
Red and White Blood Cells (Lord’s...
Red and White Blood Cells (We are...
Red and White Blood Cells (Healthy/work...
7 Gifts
7 Needs fulfilled from 7 Gifts
Let us not forget what Jesus said!...
All Because of Him
The LORD reigns! Who lives in you?
Taste! What do we taste like? How...
Motivational video to strengthen...
Calm and encouraging videos. Part 1
Calm and encouraging videos. Part 2.
Be that piece of the puzzle! Can...
Is there anything too hard for Jesus?
Red and White Blood Cells! We are...
The answer for the world today!
Slow things down video! Absorb...
Start from Scratch
Starting from Scratch The First...
Invite Jesus into your heart! (The...
Choose to spend your life pleasing...
Starting here is the beginning...
Escape from the corruption and...
Identity Sources (Links) Who are you?
Identity! Understanding who we...
Identity in Christ is the real thing!
How long is forever with Jesus?...
Jesus came for you! Live a life...
Believer’s true location in Christ...
What do you desire in life? Come...
From the past, for the present,...
Character Quality
What do we taste like? Is our heart...
Our choice should be God’s choice!
Gentle, soothing, reminders! This...
Experience Joy Today!
Joyfulness vs. Self-pity Where...
Character building! 4 mini videos...
Victor Marx Inspirational video...
Importance of character by Pastor...
One weapon the enemy fears! Success,...
Two lists you do not want to miss!
Make the right choice!
Two ways! Our choice!
Building STRAW PEOPLE! Who are...
R & R
Welcome to R.E.A.D. and R.E.A.P.
Does the Bible say to read God’s...
The Holy Spirit is here! Comforter,...
Seek proper instructions and directions...
Stick to God and His word and prevent sticky problems.
More than just reading the Bible!...
The Secret to Maintaining Spiritual...
Become dependable! Spiritual shade...
Prayer to pray and receive! (Colossians...
Responsibilities Part 1_Good Soil...
Responsibilities Part 2_Sharp to...
Avoid building straw people and...
Rise! Who is interested in real...
Media Gallery
Effective Training! Part 1. Avoid...
7 words and 7 insights to maintain...
Two Doors! Journey in the spirit realm!
They will be still as a stone!
Trilogy videos/Two lists/Right...
Non-sugar-coated videos! Part 1...
Non-sugar-coated videos! Part 2...
Non-sugar-coated audio teachings...
Energy Bar Videos 1, 2, and 3....
Endurance needed! Sometimes life...
What it takes to overcome by Pastor...
The Day the Earth Stood Still!...
Are we planting good seeds (God’s...
Delegated Authority (Links) Why?...
Government Prayer Focuses (Links)
Shootings… in America (Links)
Armor of God Videos Helmet, Shield,...
Parental assistance (Links)
Effective Training! Part 1. Avoid...
Effective Training! Part 2. Creativity in action.
Effective Training! Part 3. Beneficial...
Effective Training! Part 4. Stay...
Creative audio teachings! (PDF...
Calm and encouraging videos. Part...
Straightforward Teachings! (Videos)
Sign Up
RPG Prayer Focus
Rise! Who is interested in real change? Working Smoothly (Video)
Rise! Who is interested in real change? Working Smoothly (Video)
It takes a certain type of person to listen to this teaching.
It’s not flashy or fast-moving teaching. However, it is life-changing.
If you are not working smoothly with other believers, this teaching is for you. Someway somehow people will get hold of this teaching maybe it’s you!
I cannot compete with Hollywood with special effects and so on. However, when all is said and done it will be teachings like this and from others that will take us through the storms of life.
For a variety of reasons
, the devil attempted to take this teaching from me and from the body of Christ (Believers). I was going to put it away and forget about it. However, I was prompted to go the other direction.
So, I dressed it up a little with music and so on to engage with those who would listen. Therefore in retaliation again the kingdom of darkness this teaching, "Rise!" is here. May all those who hear this teaching be encouraged.
Do not let the enemy take this from you!